Connection Matters Podcast is hosted by Live Wild’s Leona Johnson and brings together heart centred, nature-connected, curious people who share the enquiry; how can we create a connected and meaningful way of living that brings more health, happiness and growth to our world?

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Connection Matters Podcast brings together heart centred, nature-connected, curious people who share the enquiry; how can we create a connected and meaningful way of living that brings more health, happiness and growth to our world?

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Hosted by Leona Johnson and born out of her inspiring journey into Eco-psychology and Nature Mentoring as well as running the Social Enterprise Live Wild CIC this podcast aims to capture some of the stories, wisdom and magic of the inspirational friends, teachers and mentors she has worked with over the years as well as with many others working towards authentic, connection driven living.

Themes we explore include; Permaculture, Eco-psychology, The Eight Shields Model for Holistic Connection, Earth-based Spirituality and traditional cultural wisdom, Nature connection through plants, Culture Repair, Ancestral Work, Grief Work and Trauma, NVC (Non-Violent Communication), Movement, Body Work and breathwork, Voicework and music, Community and celebration, Rites of Passage, Connection parenting, Bio-leadership and Heart Centred Entrepreneurship as well as many others.

With deep gratitude for all of life, this podcast is dedicated to the future seven generations.

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