Our final day of Wildlings Easter Holiday Club was fun and busy! We sawed and split wood for the fire, played a blindfolded ‘meet your tree’ game and went on a foraging walk to collect edible plants. The children then learnt to use a kelly kettle to boil water and made teas from the foraged leaves. Finally we finished off the day by cooking wood ear mushrooms in orange juice and dipping them in melted chocolate, they are surprisingly tasty!

We are now taking holiday club bookings for June half term and the Summer holidays, go to www.livewild.org.uk/wildlings-holiday-club

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We had some lovely feedback from a parent about their children’s day on Holiday Club. We’re so glad they enjoyed it!

‘Didn’t know the best place to post, but just wanted to let you know that the boys had brilliant day in the woods on Wednesday. Despite looking utterly miserable when I dropped them off they were returned to me muddy, full of stories and very happy. Since then, they’ve regaled everyone with tales of making jaffa cakes with jelly ear mushrooms, making ink and quills, playing games and hanging out in the hammock. Brilliant stuff, thank you so much’ – Parent