First Live Wild Outdoor Skillshare

Everybody busy at the first LiveWild skill share for outdoor leaders held in Nutclough woods on 13/06/15. New tools, new skills, new friends. What a lovely day!
Final Day Wildlings Holiday Club Easter 2016
Our final day of Wildlings Easter Holiday Club was fun and busy! We sawed and split wood for the fire, played a blindfolded ‘meet your tree’ game and went on a foraging walk to collect edible plants. The children then learnt to use a kelly kettle to boil water and made teas from the foraged […]
Day Two Wildlings Easter Holiday Club
Hail wind and mud but being survivors and making nettle and wild garlic pesto kept everyone warm!
Day Two Windings Holiday Club March 2016
Another beautiful Spring Day in the Woods. This time we were looking at bones and making clay animals along with the all important den building and other exciting nature connection and bushcraft activities. Highly recommend this club. Our kid’s been twice and LOVES it! This morning he was super exited about it. Thank you to […]
Wildings Holiday Club March 2016
This is what we got up to in Paupers Wood with the young adventurers this weekend: thankfully the rain held off despite the ominous weather forecast. It’s been a while since we’ve done any felting and there is something magic about the way felt transforms. We made beautiful little eggs and nests for them to […]
Wildlings Holiday Club February 2016
Another brilliant day in Knott Wood, we made feather quills to write with explored in the woods and caves and learnt how to whittle roasting sticks to cook our foraged snacks over the fire!
Wild Valentine’s Day
Thanks to everyone for coming on our Wild Valentine’s Day. Crisp Spring day and perfect for a fire and some smokey wild garlic chapatis. A unique Valentines adventure and a change from cards and chocolates these brave couples learnt some axe and whittling skills, foraged for their meal together and spent time connecting with the […]
November Skillshare 2015 Storytelling!
A fun and moving day with lots of creative and inspiring people! Thanks to everyone who came and those who prepared and shared. Skillshares are a great way for us to learn and grow as a community of outdoor leaders bringing our competence and diversity to the people we work with and deepening our own […]
Wildlings Autumn Holiday Club 2015
Good times in the woods with the leaves falling. Fun filled days of den building, fire making, nature walks, wild art and crafts and woodland games! Thanks to all the children who came and made it such a great experience. Wildlings Holiday Club offers a fun and safe environment for children to learn and play […]
6th September 2015 Ropes and String Skill Share
As part of our work as a co-operative social enterprise we support each other and share our skills. We are also keen to encourage the sharing of skills within the wider community of outdoor practitioners so we host skillshare days for local Forest School and Outdoor Leaders. This time we came together to share experiences […]